what is deliverance?

We see in the bible that Jesus spent a great deal of time healing and delivering people from demonic spirits. He trained the disciples to do deliverance ministry and sent them out with power and authority to do that work. We believe that same call is on the church today (Mark 16:15-19). There are many different “styles” used to minister deliverance and some clients are concerned that we will embarrass or hurt them. We minister deliverance prayer through a biblically based process, sensitive to the needs of the individual, and in a personal, private manner that results in great victory.

What are some examples of a demonic stronghold?

There can be a demonic stronghold in a person’s life when they are unable to gain or keep victory in spite of trying to do all the “right” biblical things. Examples include depression, extreme fear or panic attacks, addictions, perversions (chronic masturbation, homosexuality, pornography, and more), fear, lying, guilt, shame, and much more.

Is deliverance ministry for today?

In Mark 16:15-19, Jesus gave His church directions and a commission. Part of the signs that follow believers is to “drive out demons” in His name. He is the same yesterday, today and forever, so we believe that call is still upon His church today!

How do I know if someone needs deliverance?

Every believer can benefit from going through deliverance. In general, however, deliverance can be beneficial when someone is unable to gain the victory over some area of life where they have tried many other means, including repeated prayer, extensive counseling, fasting and more. Areas where we have seen the effects of deliverance ministry include battles with depression, anger, anxiety, addictions, self-hatred, low self-esteem and much more.

Can a Christian have a demon?

Christians can be demon oppressed, but not demon possessed. At salvation, a person receives a born-again spirit only. Demonic torment or oppression results from strongholds in the soul and body, such as in the case of infirmity. Christians, are “God-possessed” because at salvation we get adopted into God’s family.

Can you do deliverance on someone who is not a Christian?

We only minister deliverance to those who have received Jesus as their Savior. If there is doubt, we lead them in a Lordship prayer of repentance and a return to Christ, as with the prodigal son. Without that foundation, it will be difficult for a person to get free and ultimately stay free afterwards. The “house” needs to be filled with the Holy Spirit and the person equipped to discern and resist the demons when they seek to return (Matthew 12:44).


What is the difference between deliverance and counseling?

At Mending the Heart, we can minister to each client's needs because we focus on pastoral counseling (we are not licensed mental health counselors at this time), deliverance, and sanctification. Thus, we use a combination process. Many people spend years in counseling (or on medication) yet cannot get freedom because they need deliverance ministry. You cannot counsel demons out of people, they need to be delivered.

Are demons responsible for everything wrong in our lives?

Absolutely not! Part of our teaching process is to show the demonic realm affects our soul (mind/will/emotions). We all have a free will that God does not typically violate, and we must take responsibility for our choices and decisions. The reality is that many people are powerless to get victory because they do not understand that demonic torment is behind the problem they face and once they are free, they are better able to follow in the leading of the Holy Spirit as they pursue Him.

How do you respond to those who do not believe in deliverance?

There are parts of the body of Christ who believe that the ministry of deliverance ended with death of the apostles. This is one of many issues where brothers and sisters in the Lord will agree to disagree. If we encounter someone who is open, then we ask them to examine the scriptures and check testimonies from our ministry and others. We will not debate the issue because we have seen the fruit of deliverance in many people’s lives. We do not judge those who may disagree, and we are certainly willing to try to help them with other pastoral counseling issues.

Can a Christian be demon-possessed?

Possession implies ownership. A born-again believer becomes a child of God and is therefore “God-possessed”. However, believers can be demon-oppressed, hence the need for deliverance. In a similar manner, a person can own a house and have that house infested by termites. No one would suggest that the termites possess the house, but the termites create problems that need addressing. Termites get eliminated and demons get kicked out! Demons oppress people is in the realm of a person’s soul (mind, will, and emotions).